Thanks to other micro-blogging platforms like Twitter and Facebook (where I am very active), I have been neglecting my REAL blog! Perhaps I should consider cutting down the time spent there and channel my energy here instead.
Feeling guilty about it now. Bleah. Schoolwork is piling up like one big pile of scrap paper.
I've been procrastinating waaaaay too much, played too much and even spent money on unnecessary things (I'm on a mission to save money for a July trip)!
Recently, I bought this handmade broomstick necklace (HP inspired) from Etsy:
Very pretty, madly in love with it, but later realised it doesn't go with a lot of my outfits and the handle broke off on the first day I wore it. -,- Never mind that because I've already fixed it with superglue. Heh.
Also, bought my first non-sale item from Zara:
I chose the one above the knee because I'm bloody short. There are other prettier designs but not available if you want them shorter in length.
Fine, I used a voucher. If not I wouldn't be able to afford it. Initially I purchased it for the ION Pets' Day Out "fashion show" to match my outfit with QQ, but they didn't want QQ to wear her yellow trench coat either. :( Oh well, gonna wear this in July!
In the midst of preparing for mid-terms and projects, I had the audacity to spend my nights playing LAN with Porcupine, Fung and Onion. 0,0
Before that we had New York New York, just because we're sick of the food in AMK Hub. :/
We shared the biggest ice-cream bowl ever, and I didn't even like it.
On a happier note, in February I won the second prize for International Volunteerism Photojournalism Competition 2011 with this picture I took in Nepal:
On the day we engaged in outdoor learning, a bright patch on his soiled pants caught my eye. His family was too poor to even afford needle and thread. A band-aid on his buttocks? There, problem fixed.
The prize presentation was held at ITE East College, where the

Eager students peer through a hole at their foreign teachers. Corruption and financial constraints have caused a severe shortage of teachers, depriving students access to precious resources. As foreign teachers, we try our best to fill the void in education, as a way to ensure progress in Nepal.
Forgotton Faces
This project seeks to address the rising trend of "discarding' old folks in Singapore. As children grow up to set up their own families, the old folks are often seen as a burden, living together and providing care for them have become a chore. Therefore many send their old folks to homes or simply house them in a 1-room HDB flat. And these 'homes' where they are living in, are not where their family is. And slowly, the frequency of visits reduces, eventually they will be totally severed from their children, living seperate lives.
Feeling guilty about it now. Bleah. Schoolwork is piling up like one big pile of scrap paper.
I've been procrastinating waaaaay too much, played too much and even spent money on unnecessary things (I'm on a mission to save money for a July trip)!
Recently, I bought this handmade broomstick necklace (HP inspired) from Etsy:
Very pretty, madly in love with it, but later realised it doesn't go with a lot of my outfits and the handle broke off on the first day I wore it. -,- Never mind that because I've already fixed it with superglue. Heh.
Also, bought my first non-sale item from Zara:
Zara Basic khaki trench coat
I chose the one above the knee because I'm bloody short. There are other prettier designs but not available if you want them shorter in length.
Fine, I used a voucher. If not I wouldn't be able to afford it. Initially I purchased it for the ION Pets' Day Out "fashion show" to match my outfit with QQ, but they didn't want QQ to wear her yellow trench coat either. :( Oh well, gonna wear this in July!
In the midst of preparing for mid-terms and projects, I had the audacity to spend my nights playing LAN with Porcupine, Fung and Onion. 0,0
Before that we had New York New York, just because we're sick of the food in AMK Hub. :/
We shared the biggest ice-cream bowl ever, and I didn't even like it.
On a happier note, in February I won the second prize for International Volunteerism Photojournalism Competition 2011 with this picture I took in Nepal:
A gemeinschaft society: Students at Shree Tauthali Primary School forming a circle in the open fields, hand in hand, ready for a sing-along sesion.
On the day we engaged in outdoor learning, a bright patch on his soiled pants caught my eye. His family was too poor to even afford needle and thread. A band-aid on his buttocks? There, problem fixed.
The prize presentation was held at ITE East College, where the
Learning is a blessing, teaching is a gift
Eager students peer through a hole at their foreign teachers. Corruption and financial constraints have caused a severe shortage of teachers, depriving students access to precious resources. As foreign teachers, we try our best to fill the void in education, as a way to ensure progress in Nepal.
Her son calls to instruct the caretaker but refuses to speak to her
Forgotton Faces
This project seeks to address the rising trend of "discarding' old folks in Singapore. As children grow up to set up their own families, the old folks are often seen as a burden, living together and providing care for them have become a chore. Therefore many send their old folks to homes or simply house them in a 1-room HDB flat. And these 'homes' where they are living in, are not where their family is. And slowly, the frequency of visits reduces, eventually they will be totally severed from their children, living seperate lives.