As mentioned in the previous posts, going to blog about my trip to Island Cremery. I asked Grace to come along with Wei Long and I, and she readily accepted. :) There was this funny moment where we took bus 74 to the Coronation? and that we only knew it was near Serene Centre. Ah Gong actually drew the erm, landscape of the area on a small piece of paper which apparently didn't have enough space and the drawings weren't exactly accurate. The drawings were all over but very neat handwriting though, and we just stood in the middle of the overhead bridge, debating which way we should walk towards to in "following the canal". Suddenly, I came up with a brilliant idea.
" Excuse me, do you know which way it is towards King's Road?"
"Yeah, THAT (points out) way."
"Oh, thank you."
Yeah there you go. :) We walked on and reached.
Yesterday evening I was being very sluggish and lazy and bored, I have no idea why. I really think it was PMS, because I am always excited in these kind of get-together!
So I must apologise to Ah Gong and Grace here for my un-enthusiasm last night. I hope it won't happen again, and I wanna continue my conversation with Ah Gong on the train the other day. I sort of realised I broke the momentum of our talk and it's rude. :S
Grace and I had the same thing: Nutella ice-cream and Apple pie. HEAVENLY!
Ah Gong had teh-tarik ice-cream (nice!!!) and Horlicks flavour(not bad).
Doesn't it just look good?
See, I was really quiet and I listened to them talk most of the time...
Yup, this is Island Creamery (nice name by the way) where you can take a photo, print it on the spot, and paste it on the wall!
We tried, but my estimation wasn't really good. And they taught me what is a Dutch Angle. Coolness.
So we keep trying you see, and as you know, Ah Gong never smile properly.
In the end, this was what we picked. :)
Headed towards this cute little machine... ( I want to own this!)
Gotten some ice-ceam stickers for ourselves..
The sign.

Oh yes, this is dedicated to Ah Gong, his limited and never perfect smiles! :D IN training!
There, good to go. LOVELY MEMORY! :D
We headed to Bukit Timah Food Centre to eat again! :D
Time passes quite fast. I was shocked when it's 9 plus already.
Photobucket is really problematic nowadays! I can't even load the page! Guess I'm going to change the host. :X
Today was suppose to go to the flea market with Kimmo but to our utmost disappointment, there wasn't any. Thanks for the LIME magazine website that confuses me. Apparently, it seems to be next Sat, but I thought it was always on the first and third Saturdays? Ugh. Whatever. In the end we shopped in Cathay Cineileisure, I bought my first cap! Kimmo got upset and became moodless. :(
I own a pair of red jellies now! I almost went to meet Stanley at Bugis for pool but changed my mind. So that's about it.
DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES ROCKS MY WORLD. It was taught me many life lessons and the way it's carried out was good. Grabbed my heart good. :) Going to pursue it through.

On Thursday I was on the phone, and I had a weird feeling. I finally get to experience what it means by a couple laughing at the same thing, WITH each other, and trying hard to make each other's day.
I might just be in love again? I don't know, yet.
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