I have no idea why but I have a strong urge and itch to have my hands on these toys! Like immediately please. And sadly, these games/toys are for personal usage for my personal pleasure. * Winks*
AHEM. Nope, it's now what you think, because the toys doesn't look like that:

(Sorry to disappoint you Sooj) :D
And NO! Say no to Sudoko! I have no idea I find it a silly game. (Ya, I know it's stupid since I like to do wordsearch)
Oh well, but really I think only the really knowledgeable and intellectual can do those up-to-standard crossword puzzles, because I'm really bad at them. :(
I want these for my birthday! Nono, I want them, like now.
1) Playstation Portable!

I REALLY REALLY WANT THEM. :( It's like personal entertainment all merged into one. And it's super exciting, what with car racing, fighting bad guys and completing stages to unlock characters/maps. How intriguing! How can Papa refuse to get this for me? :( (And I thought about it the whole day, Papa has never gotten me a toy ever since I'm young. All my toys are bought by my Gujie, occassionally mom buys it for our birthdays/christmas) I have a sad childhood.
Nonono! I would never want pink of silver. I would love to have a transparent PSP, but it's not available. Oh, electric blue looks really appealing.

Check out the other colour plates available! So cool right! But this is googled and is available in Australia. -,-
Singapore have a classic champagne gold which can match my handphone! :)
Retail: $400 (approx.)
2) Rush Hour - Traffic Jam Puzzle

Have you NOT seen this before? I first played it at my cousin's house, and I fell in love with it. I think it's such a brain teaser, it gets you hooked. You MUST finish all the levels. I was so reluctant to leave. And that was the last time I had my hands on that. :'(
Victor said he would get his for me last year, my hands are still empty. Haha.
Retails: $29.90, sometimes Toys 'R' Us got sale, and I got Star member card
3) Fishing - an electronic hand-held game

This one is damn fun I tell you. Wen Jun (my gujie's niece) had this and whenever I stayed over at my Gu Jie's house I would borrow and sit in the living room and play like crazy. Know why? There's a sensor in it and you have to like reel the 'lines' in, and thrusting the machine forward, pulling it backwards, like it's the real thing. When you caught a 'fish', the machine with vibrate and you have to quickly respond before the fishes swim away! Bigger fishes are harder to catch, but when I do catch it, it gives me a sense of satisfaction. Heh. I was frequently spotted standing up and jerking and getting very agitated playing the fishing game. Very fun.
Retails: Say $29.90? (That was the '90s price, now I don't know. Haha.)
4) Fixing Gundam

This only begins last year when I helped Victor fix his Gundam. I didn't know there was much details you have to take note. And fans of Jap anime are very anal. You have to buy even the correct pliers juse for boy toys. And I love fixing things together you see, although I cut my fingers and it hurts, but I like looking at the completed figurine. Loads of patience though.
P.S. I don't want to collect, I just want to help Vic do.
Retails: Mastergrade ones anything from $79.90 - $180++
5) LEGO! - Harry Potter, a history

Need not be told, Lego is one of which I like. The colours, the shape, the feel ( I use to bite on it to satisfy some weird habits of mine). HP has got many sets of it and I only have The Knight Bus set. =,= (how demoralising). I want the Hogwart's Train set most, coz' it's mechanical and it can really move! However, it's not sold in Singapore. :( UK! UK!

Look at this lucky girl with her Harry Potter kingdom whom I googled upon. JEALOUS!!!! :S
Retails: Kao! Uber ex, from $19.90 for just characters/with a hippogriff maybe - $180+
And thus far that's what I want. Heh.
The observant bunch would have noticed I changed my blog banner! And it was Kris who did it! <3s! THANK YOU X10!
Having said that, I DID receive a poem in my life, by Kris herself! I'm guilty for forgetting about it! Here it is, on my 17th birthday:
Another few hours and its almost over,
Seventeen you turn with a spin of time.
Poems you said would be nice,
So I'll try my shot at a Birthday rhyme.
With long dark hair that she wants curly,
Shanice is more to me then just a friend.
So for her birthday I truly wish,
That she'll find gold at the rainbow's end.
With big dark eyes, she’s oh-so-pretty,
And so much more then just a look.
To say she’s kind is real unfair,
For she’ll give much more then she took.
For her kindness and her generosity,
I wish to the heavens so high above,
That she may be a princess in her life,
Just like Cinderella, with her satin gloves.
She’s hip and trendy with tons of clothes,
Always looking like Hollywood’s finest.
But that’s a reflection of what she’s got,
A sense of confidence that’s really the greatest!
So Shanice my dear, I wish you the best,
And corny as it is, that you’ll beat the rest.
You work hard and I have to say,
You’ll get where you want to be one day.
I would make you seventeen wishes,
But that’s really not fair,
I’ve made two,
So the rest is up to you.
But a last Happy Birthday dear friend of mine,
I’m running out of words, and of time.
So a last word- treasure what you’ve got cause it’s great,
And eat more chocolate ‘cause it’s a pure treat!!!
My life ain't that sad afterall huh. :D