I don't see the need to elaborate eh?
Because I've never played Cluedo and it looked very interesting, I begged to play this first. Heh heh. Well, Victor won. He's good at this kind of erm, cunning games. Hur.
What with this trecherous face. :D
Alot of pictures are missing coz' they're portraits, not landscapes. :S
On Friday as I mentioned, was Heatwave's 15th Anniversary:
And this is my Chinese programme co-host, Crystal, who's a year 1 now. (I know my pimple is still there, huge as ever.) :(
Riiiiiight. Just a little bit obsessed with Justin Ang.
The main activity was this hip-hop dance competition, which is very erm, disappointing in my opinion. I'm shocked to see my SC freshie, Vanessa, being the leader of the pack, dancing quite well, but maybe a little too concerned with her annoying fringe covering her face and having to push it out of her face while dancing.
Azhar, the in-house DJ, very experienced, kept the audience occupied.
I said, just a little obsessed, now you've got a clearere view ain't it?
3 lucky winners were chosen to compete in Drink-a-can-of-Redbull and the fastest to drain all of it, will walk away with a newest Motorala Handphone, worth more than $600. But then again, just by the look of it, the girl won't win, would she? *shrugs shoulders*
Heatwave crew all can get free Redbull! Heh. And I absolutely love it, my very first can of Redbull. Damn refreshing.
Parthe and I enjoying it. :) Thanks for letting me use your laptop for data transfer!
The winning group, I think they triumph coz' they mixed their own music, and their dance is a fusion or hip-hop and acting.
OPEN YOUR EYE BIG AND ADMIRE. :) (Chong Ern was obviously very excited as well, tugging at my sleeves saying he wants t o join in as well. Hur.) I DID hestitate a while before saying 'ok', because I want the special moment with Muttons. :(
I really love the material of the bag, but it's so expensive! $100+ EACH. But you can customize as well as mix-n-match the straps and flaps and bag.
At night, I attended Victor's cousin's wedding. I was very excited as this was the first time I'm attending such events with him. Almost all the closer relatives I've seen are already present during Chinese New Year gathering. The middle one is Gerald, who is Victor's closer cousin. And crazy in love with this attached girl, named Elicia. Haha.
We reached very early at 7pm, and the dinner only starts at 9pm. I was SOOOOOO bored.
I really envy the relationship they shared and heard of their childhood stories from Victor. It was so hilarious and interesting. I smiled at this image.
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