Today, was very wasted. I couldn't wake up so didn't go to Bras Basah (to re-print newspaper) nor follow them to school to submit the paper. In the end, even our 1pm Simpsons movie outing was cancelled. Sigh. This is like the third time already. I'm guessing it'll have to wait again...
NEVERMIND! Another will make up for it! Thurs 2.20pm Lido, License to Wed with the Poly Clique, for the first time in 2 years! So exciting, no?
And I spent all day blog-hopping plus I bookmarked quite a handful of sites. Heh. Overwhelmed by other people's lives.
Watched Black Snake Moan as well. Riveting tearjerker. And I think Justin Timberlake is hot. So I googled him as well, but he's a bad boy. :(
Then I saw Janet Jackson's nipple spill on stage, then Britney's no-panty news, you get it.
Love = Sex..
So much more than that.

Duh, I have to play along with her. But I don't like it because she's in her out-of-house look while I'm in spectacles and pinned-up fringe.

Imagine if she had a MacBook, 100 photos per day won't be enough as well. Haha.
Last night, I recommended Sis to download Skype, so we could try web-camming, since she exchanged her old laptop for Pap's newly bought one (cunning!).
So if you want to web-cam with me, add me on Skype alright! My username is: saltpop . :)
Mom happened to join us last night as well.

I'd better go to sleep, so if she finds out, she'd kill me. But if I'm asleep, all she can do is one loud "TSK" and walk back to her room.
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