Fine, it's not that big to you, but to me it is!
THIANG is still going to compete in Radio UFM 1003 FIGHT CLUB semi-finals!
This morning, Margaret (their assistant) called me to pick a timing for co-hosting on air; and inform me about Saturday's activities and what is ask of me. 0.0
I was so shocked I couldn't go back to sleep, and was very anxious and worried and scared.
I phoned mom right away and tried to contact as many friends on the spot.
Just in case you don't know what I'm talking about, Fight Club is this DJ competition held annually (if I'm not wrong). I took part for the fun of it and also my passion for radio, so might as well try out for the first round the other day after exams.

Check this out:

I'm the bloody youngest among all of them! And and! My name's last on the list, so I think it's actually to make up the numbers, that's why they put me in last minute. Haha.
Tune in to UFM 1003 on Fri night, 21 Sept 2007, 10pm - 12am, listen to the programme and support me! Maybe sms in or something!
Head down to Junction 8 the next day, 22 Sept, 3-5pm at the Open Plaza, where the semi-finals are held.
I suggest you either wear the same colour shirt as me (so I know you support me mah!) or draw banner/posters. Heh. Pretty PLEASE!
3 rounds that day:
1) Introduction
Contestant 1 will introduce contestant 2, contestant 2 will introduce contestant 3 and thereafter. (Wau lau! So tough! I'm quite rigid one. :( )
2) On-the-spot
Pick a card and either answer a question or complete a task. This is to test my uh, what do I call that, reaction?
3) Talent
Perform something. The judges will press the bell if within the 3-5 mins I'm not able to entertain them! Then, I will lose marks or something. :(
I'm shivering right now! Darn!
I want to see you there! :)
Give me your blessings/support/comments on what I should do!
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