I recall back in those years when we were still in secondary school, and we all know we have this period of time where we had to do "silent reading".
What my sis did was, she would tear our(because it belongs to us!) storybooks into three pieces, and split in among her good friends who has forgotten to bring their own books. This act does not only happen once, but thrice.
*Wonders about those books that indicates," I'm just a book, please treat me with care."*
For me, I don't do such things, because I like to keep my books in tip-top condition, to the point where I don't even read them. :P
Normally, due to the lack of sleep the previous night, I look forward to this period of time to cover for loss time. Heh.
I would just flip open my book to a particular page, and then rest my heads on my hands, as though I'm reading it, and sleep.
Occasionally, I am embarrassed to realize I've drooled.:D
P.S. I've never been caught though. But in my Maths class when I steal some moments to sleep, Mr Ting will always wake me up. :(
Just now I was trying to look for a book. Chrysalis, our school's yearly publication as there was this one Chinese article I wrote in it and blog about it, but I think I threw it away by accident when Fung and I cleared my room at the start of the holidays. Hur.
An old friend of mine messaged me earlier on to tell me that he spotted me in a magazine section featuring students in campus who dress well (or something like that). Heh. I'm happy to hear it of course. It's in CHOICES magazine he says, I've never heard of it, but if you do know, please save a copy for me! Heh.
It seems like I've been appearing in three kinds of media (newspaper,magazine,radio) in a short span of time huh? Haha. :D
I gave Zhao Rong's blog a little visit and found my photos for the semi-finals at Junction 8. Luckily, the photos he posted were those where I looked fine. Heh. Good job. :D

Last Saturday I went for a short cycling trip with Di Shan, Zhao Rong and Zhen Han, and I forgot to upload the pics.

Just when I thought I'm finally shedding some weight and tummy fats, Zhao Rong suggested that we eat in this Korean restaurant (no doubt the authentic one tastes 10 times better!) opened by people from China and we ate the BBQ set plus Ginseng Chicken, and we were stuffed. The bill total up to $80. =.=
This two songs have been ringing in my ears for too long! All day, I've been singing and humming to these:
Aly & AJ - Potential Breakup Song
I'm wondering if Sujith like this two new celebrities. Tell me if you like them too alright?
Kelly Pan - Shakalaka Baby
This is her new single hit from her second album. I remember I used dislike her a lot for the way she speak(although she still has it now) back in Secondary 4 and is always arguing about her with Victor, but I guess I'm over it now and I could start erm, supporting local celebrities. Kelly has got gorgeous long legs! So I'm suggesting those of you who enjoy looking at that, might spend your 3 minutes looking at her MV and at the same time sing to,

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