Perhaps the idea of actually going out after school on Halloween gave me the drive to wanting to play dress up for a day. Thus, a friend and I said we were going to make some preparations for Halloween. This was probably decided last weekend, and the easiest outfit I could get out from my wardrobe would be closer to a witch. Yes, because being the huge Harry Potter fan I am, throughout the years I’ve gotten myself the magical stuffs that appeared it the Harry Potter movies/books.

My friend decided to do up decorations as well as go for Halloween shopping, you know, the “Trick or Treat” question you have to ask and give out candies? Yeah, I think he purchased quite a lot of ‘em and distributed among friends.
Heh. This year’s Halloween would probably mean a little something to me since I actually forgo my woolen jacket to bring the accessories/toys instead. No lah, I had a fun day with a few of my friends both in school and outside of school.

I was demoralized in the noon as the last thing I wanted from Ziggy Soh was to lock me out of the classroom, AGAIN. I even skipped all my meals just to rush to the class! ☹
If I’m not mistaken, he seems to like to pick on Bruce, Selwyn and me a lot. Midway during Advertising, he made Bruce and me tell a joke to the class while loading for MeL to load, followed by teasing/insulting us, cracking the class up. 0.0
Stupid Selwyn had been disturbing me all day with the fake wands (his rolled up posters actually), and fooling around with my witch’s hat that I think Ziggy might be a little offended.

Joining me to dress up yesterday was none other than Selwyn and Bruce, whom dressed up as Gibryon and Jap man respectively. This reminds me that I forgot to take photo of Bruce’s half-costume! Everybody had a good laugh with Selwyn’s pink polo and high-waited trousers, well and I’m sure he had fun time as well since he looked metalhead/emo for the rest of the 364 days. :P

On the way to FMS block, Heather wore Selwyn’s black mask and made her look like she came out from Star Wars movies, and that was really interesting as well! She was getting so much attention! She looks really good in the mask though, don’t you think so? :D

At TV Production, I had an awesome with my classmates, taking loads of photos while switching roles for our TV practice (next entry! :D ). Mr Foo thought I was going to party later in the night and queried, saying that he would come and join me, haha! How cute.
Someone even brought out the broom from within the studio to complete my look. :D I brought my HP scarf, plushie Pigwidgeon (my pet owl name!), and witch’s hat. Of course, I tied plaits because that’s how little witches look like, are they not? Plus, I wore a brown satin dress, since I don’t have black cloak or Hogwart’s school uniform (which is a pity!). Heh. Overall, it’s a fun experience in school to have people looking at you while you walk around in school, some giving you weird looks and raised eyebrows.
At 6pm, I went underpass Eil and Neng, and headed to Holland Village. One thing I realized, we’re all very “anything” people, so when we stood in front of Thai Express, that’s the first time Eil and I ate there. Haha.

The food was good, I finished every bit of it. Eil’s Tom Yum looked so innocent, no trace of any orangey-red colour nor chilli oil floating, but she says it tastes spicy. Interesting.
Over dinner, something most extraordinary (to me) happened. Well, let’s say it’s the most ‘open’ conversation ever took place in my life, having a friend beside me while the other talked about things that make me felt so…different. Hur. The secret is kept safe between us three. Hur.

We were meant to go Cold Rock (Café, is it?) to have ice-cream, as recommended by Neng. So we had 2 large cups of ice-cream there, I love it! The place was very well-decorated, strategically placing a cloaked skeleton near the door step. Initially I thought it was stationary, but when I touched its hands to examine it further, it moved and cackled, “Save me! Save me!”. Obviously, I got a shock, jumped on the spot, and heard laughter spreading in the small shop. 0.0
Thanks ah. ☺

I have no idea why, but when I saw these three girls dressed up as ghosts, I had to courage to ask if I could take photo with them. Super fun can, asking random people to take photo with me. :P

I hope you've had a Happy Halloween as well!
Indeed, I was lethargic as the day drew to a close, but I had an awesome time on the bus, thinking, on the things that will make me smile in my sleep.
Thanks Eil and Neng! ☺
Like a lot. *coughs*
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