I totally believe in karma man, and definitely the old phrases "the tough gets tougher", "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" (please ah, no relation or whatsoever to the Kayne West's Stronger *roll eyes*). Heh. I have my explanation for my belief.
Yesterday (Thurs) would probably the one of the worst day in my entire year. To begin with, I couldn't wake up on time to execute what I had planned to do - to reach school at 8.40am and complete my Feature Writing draft. I reached at 10.10am.
The puffy dress I wore refused to zip up. I dressed up because ... I was going to watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at The Esplanade (which is probably my only source that day of keeping me alive!)! :)
In the end, I failed to do finish my draft before Mrs Sng class and was trying to focus in tutorial. Although I was taken aback by Wei Long's surprise "Christmas" present, I can't help but feel that ... it was no longer the same feeling he once gave me. It seemed ... distant and empty. Yes, I'm listening to the songs he recommended now.
After tutorial, I STILL was unable to finish my work and was deeply troubled. I had Advertising consultation after that and the dreadful feeling of meeting Ziggy was inevitable. I tried to heed my friend's advice on staying cool and be objective with the whole situation, but uh, I think I lost it somewhere.
A supposed 45 mins meeting dragged on to 2 hours, eating into the time I was supposed to finish my draft and go for at least one consultation. The meeting was pointless such that we were back to the original spot - Nothing. No big idea, nothing. Because everyone was a strong supporter of their ideas, and when one refuses to agree with an idea, we had to go ALL the way back to the start. Why I say? Why can't we compromise and work our way around it instead? I couldn't understand.
Plus, my handphone was ringing non-stop, with my friends calling for the Chitty event. I was really torn between the three choices. I had to go, or else my friends will be kept waiting. had to go, or else I risk myself failing the assignment (I chose this by the way). I had to go, or else I would have died on the spot with all the stress at Canteen 2 (meeting venue).
I have to go.
Was all I said. I didn't even bade goodbye to my group members, and now I feel guilty about it. It was most probably at that time, I lost my wallet. Uh huh. Twice in three months. My new IC that I haven't even keep for a month, was GONE, AGAIN. Only this time, I have more cash, more membership cards, and more movie tickets inside. :( Do you have got any friends even more careless?
When I realized this, I was already at Marina Square. I quickly phoned a few of friends but no, it wasn't there anymore.
During the intermission of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we were caught (doing something), it was very embarrassing (luckily we managed to cope!). Hur.
I failed to fight the sleeping bug at 3am. Only woke up this morning at 8.30am to work on my article. I skipped 2 and 3/4 classes. :(
Fortunately, Ms Suzanne spared me the scolding. But I got another "indirect" one from a friend. Sigh. I know.
Today, I've decided that the pushcart job I have would be the last day. Haha. No, I did not get fired (no lying here!), they liked me (ok fine) but I simple couldn't cope with so many things at the same time. Plus, I really want to spend time with my friends!
While I was working, Student Services called me to tell me that a nice soul had found my wallet, left it intact, and refused to say his name! To whomever you are, I really thank you, with a tight hug as well. It means so much to me. :)
See, good things come around as well. In addition, I have these people who are supportive of me right now:
Many things I want to pursue:

And I will never, ever surrender before Chirstmas. To me, the most important day in a year.
Why I persevere? Cute little things that I want to see each day. This I include Bibi, whom I haven't seen in weeks. Sigh. :(

My future lover.
My first clubbing night.
My staying over at Momo's place..
My soundtrack of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

If all else fails, you know there will be funny people appearing in your life making you laugh. Hold on. Enjoy.
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