That's not a line Thiang would use. Nah-uh.
But things are different for the Angsty boyband My Chemical Romance, who came down to Singapore last week for its Malaysia/Singapore concert tour.

To me, perhaps due to the choice of music genre, MCR concert was more of a blah rather than a blast.
Bang bang Motherf*ckers!
was the opening line when the lead singer came out from the side left of the stage, garnering a LOT of shrieks and screams from the emo, the young punks and the whites of the audience standing area.
Not only that, but the following 10 sentences worth of speech include at least 1 F*ck in it.
Look at you all MotherF*ckers, you are all so beautiful.All I did was giggle and looked around for reaction from the crowds.
Are you all f*cking ready tonight?
Are you f*cking ready to rock it out?
F*ck you all!
Seriously man, very vulgar already.
It all began when I was invited to go to the concert with the Heatwave mates and so I just tagged along, thinking that it would be loads of fun since it's my first concert. Boy was I wrong.

After we collected the tags, we thought we still had to queue to enter, so we spent a good 1 hour in the VERY long queue outside Max Pavillion. Oh well, at least we get to act stupid, talk and people watch.

Midway through a conversation, either of the boys came up with a brilliant idea of selling the tickets, and we shall use the money to get ourselves drinks and take cab, AND still have money left! It was such a good thought that we almost succumbed to the temptation.

You know, at the entrance before allowed to go in, there were warnings that no photography allowed, let alone videography, but check this out:

I want all my boys take off your clothes and wave them in the air!They did. Well, a quarter of them did. One extreme kid threw his jeans to the front all right. Whoo! Such insanity.

I remember one more serious case, where the medics couldn't wake one of the girls up, and she was carried away in a stretcher. Scary siol.

So here.

I take it as an experience, but I will never risk for this kind of concert ever again. Because next morning, I couldn't wake up in time for my presentation, and my eardrums surely received a certain level of damage.
Thanks to Radio Heatwave for the opportunity! I heard *coughs* Switchfoot is coming next *shrieks*!

That's all for tonight you Motherf**kers.
Woh, intense.
P.S. Did I mention that I saw a family of four (2 boys aged around 10-12) and a couple of couples aged around 40 or so there? Oh, of course, Levan and Rossalyn were there too. I couldn't spot The Muttons leh.
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