The performance includes the String Orchestra, Wind Orchestra, Opera,Wushu and none other than Dance (us!). Weird thing that the drama people didn't out up a programme though.
Dance was the main highlights because if I didn't remember wrongly, we had about 5-6 items.
Those dance days were the best. As a couple of days ago I was feeling nolstalgic, I wanted to relive those glory days looking at my dance videos and photos, but guess what?! THERE WAS NONE!
Like seriously, WTH?!!! No videos of the extravaganza event nor Singapore Youth Festival(SYF) 03 and 05.
I only managed to find a couple of photos for the extravaganza event, which in this case, the SYF 03 item was showcased.

EXTRA Note: Don't laugh at the costume and makeup and props leh, please?
I still recall then when we trained so hard 3-4 times a week, sometimes even on weekends, and we have bruises all over the knees. Plus, the stretching, chatting, playing afool etc.
And many theft cases as well. Tsk.

"This is my lunch."
Not forgetting play pals and biscuits. Haha.
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