I shall begin with the introduction of the “sisters” of the bride.
From left: LL, Diana, me, and Dawn the Diva.

Then there’s also my sis, but at this point we were already inside the club, prepping to party!
AiLi (left) was known as the one who always had very pretty earrings. Before the party we all had already met once to discuss about the door games for The Big Day.
It seemed like only yesterday that Dawn asked us to be her bridesmaid. Then, the plans were all tentative. 6 months went by in a blink and there she was, with us sisters as her bridesmaid. Unbelievable.
The sole reason of us being at Dragonfly was because Sly was her idol. In fact, Dragonfly might be catered to the older crowd, but I think the music's pretty all right. Then there were multiple sets in between the music sets where the resident singers perform. I was only interested in a couple of them.
I couldn't recall his name but yeah, he just looked very different.
The night merely started but Dawn's feet couldn't take the pressure from the heels when we were on the dancefloor. It felt pretty funny seeing somebody shoeless on the dance floor. But she was excused! :D
I met Christiana for the first time that night.
This group of girls have known Dawn since they were 13 (can you believe it?!)! I guess it's some kind of sacred friendship bonding that I hope I will obtain one day.
I think the night began with a few jugs of Martell/Green Tea and Vodka-something, before the good show started. Heh.
Many of the photos from my camera that night were not taken by me, but her! She really darn good at taking candid photos and exposing all ugly sides of us! :D
Being the bride and all, and supposedly celebrating her last day of singledom, Ed (Dawn’s pal) did not fail to sabotage her by ordering a special concoction of Graveyard. The look on her face said: CAUTION.
I’ve never tasted Graveyard myself but no, I am not the least bit interested judging by that look.
She had a pretty hard time downing the cup and had to finish the cup. Ed had a smug on his face. He and Chris are good partners in crime. Haha.
By then I had drank some Gin and Whisky, a bit on the high side, but I still check upon my cousin’s progress!
Fwah! Must be damn gross. The way she was forced to drink was damn scary!
Knowing that Dawn had adored Sylvester in the longest time, we wanted her to go up on stage and do something with Sly, he declined. ☹ This was the best we could do, forcing her to take a picture with him, at the foot of the stage. =,=
Apparently, this CantoPop club have got some very talented dancers, and extremely beautiful too. I can’t help but keep a look out for my single male friends.
I think I might have visited the toilet to many times, because I missed out on so much alcohol they drank and the photos they took. Hur.
Ed was the only male “sister” and a very good one at that.
I have no idea what made AL end up in this stupor!
Somehow in between my toilet breaks I also missed out on this:
16 shots of Tequila, ordered by Chris the (alcohol) Queen!
Dawn was clearly appalled at the thought of downing all 16 shots by herself. I think in the end she only downed four!
I edited this to be in B&W because my face looked like I had rashes on it. Heh.
The club was so loud (duh) and I remembered guys were trying to 'grind' my cousin! Tsk.
No wonder people say she can drink...
The one who refused to leave the seat all night apparently had something to drink!
I'm surprised LL even drank that much, what with her behaviour very innocent and all...The way they whispered over the music looked so cute.
Woah, they really used my camera and take a lot of photos!
Ed told me they were such good friends because they could establish understanding even without each other saying things aloud. Good for you bro!
Take note of Dawn's literally bloody eyes.
I did not purposely colour the photo or manipulate it in any way. It was that red, it was frightening.
Okay, gone Dawn gone!
I never knew I would get to see the other side of Dawn. I wonder what would her students think of their strict teacher? Haha.
At the end of the night, I could tell that AiLi needed a break.
Sis and I left early because of Mom, but the rest was okay when we checked with them after they left the place too. After that night I asked myself where the guys would 'celebrate' their Bachelorettes' Night and I eventually found out the answer... Hahaha.
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