So to trackback, it was the day before we head back home, and as Papa promised....we're going....
To the relatively new Hong Kong Disneyland! :)
The tickets are of ez-link card size and randomly printed with Disney characters. Funny how I got Goofy.
Thing is, I don't even like Disney cartoon characters, so why the fascination over Disneyland? I think I'm only amazed by the decorations and the atmosphere, which doesn't fail to excite me every.single.time.
We reached really early in the morning and there were actually designated coaches to pick you up (not that we took it). But don't you find the bus stops lovely?

Okay, so I look really uninterested here but that's only because we didn't get to stay at the hotel! Before the Hong Kong Disneyland was launched, I had already checked up on the hotel/resort and the interior is all Disney-themed! Damn I was anticipating the day when I go there, I would be able to stay there one night. But Daddy said it was too costly. True.
And this is the obligatory entrance picture, the Mickey on Surfboard behind will bob up and down to the fountain! Screams novelty.
The size of Hong Kong Disneyland might pale in comparison to the Los Angeles Disneyland, but it is so much more organised. Look at the cute map with its legendary.
The grass/bushes beyond the gates were made to look at Mickey Mouse. Apparently it was their third anniversary (*gasp!* So fast?) and they gave us all a free badge/button each. Nice. :)
Within the compound, there are these Police Cars and Fire Engines which are in fact "taxis" that fetch you from point to point. I was very excited and wanted to try it, but Papa and Sis figured that we should walk around and explore the place first. Moreover, the weather was horribly humid and it would be a killer to stand in the sun and wait for the next available ride. But eventually I didn't get to sit these. :(
We headed to the main train station. The exterior of the buildings are those of my liking. In fact, the buildings are all themed like that. The austere grandeur of the English styled buildings.
There were multiple attractions for kids to play even in the train station, like the old weighing machine etc. The train was awesome, the chug-chug sounds the train made and the real steam gets me really eager to ride it. It made me feel like I'm on platform nine and three quarters. Yeah yeah, you get the gist. Heh. We rode one big round, back to the main station.
The band parade began as early as 11AM if I'm not mistaken, and all they do is march around and play really nice music all day long. And I meant it! When night falls, do I see them stop playing. Fwah, what a tiring job huh? Amongst the older musicians, there were two young pretty ladies with megawatt smiles.
Our first actual "destination" is the Pixar Animation Academy, where they showcase animated movies that has been created by Pixar and Disney. These include Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Bambi, The Incredibles, Ratatouille and many more. It was an eye-opener. There were videos of how these animation were created, as well as a life-size "animation". Take a look:
Pretty amazing stuff, they mould figurines and put them on a revolving stage, and when I press the button at the side, the stage moves and it looked like the figurines come to life! Very entertaining. Heh.
Although I said I haven't fancy any Disney charater, this is probably one I like. Edna Mode. This portrait is supposed to be the original prototype of how Edna should look like in The Incredibles.
As we walked out of the Animation Academy, we walked into this robot (that was powered on it's own!) named Dr. (something). I like this kooky thing. :D
Do not be mistaken by its gorgeous layout! These pastries are not meant to be eaten, they are showcased outside each shop, such that if the shop sells food, then it will showcase that. There are many more themes like old hats/cloaks, or toys etc.
With that, we entered the first "land" because we were waiting for the first show that was about to start in 30 minutes. Pa and Mommy went to rest or something. Haha. Sis was moody and she didn't bothered to help me take a proper photo. :( Where's the "land"????
Noticing that there was no queue for the ride Orbitron, I nudged Sis to get on it with me. Heh. They actually gave you your "ride tickets" before we got on. I swear, the weather drain your energy faster than expected. I did not stop perspiring the moment I leave the hotel. 0,0
The Orbitron is like the Flying Dumbo, just that you get to control the sounds and height of your flight. All of a sudden I feel myself transform back to a small kid, surprised at every new thing I'm exposed to. ^^v
Next to Orbitron is a mini "water park", where sprinkles of water were sprayed freely. I got curious with the robots and the buttons on it, thinking that the robot might move or make some special noise, so I went to push it. Little did I know I got wet, because I fell into the trap and it shot out water!
Following that we went to queue for the Go-Kart and came to the conclusion that I probably can't drive a car, ever. Even with the tracks as guide, I keep bumping into them and had troubles controling the car. Dammit. I am still best being chauffered. Heh heh.
Near noon time was the first High School Musical parade ---- in Cantonese. Well at first it did sound really funny, but later on they won the audiences' heart with their enthusiasm and high spirits, not bad indeed.
Okay, so I look spastic here posing in front of the legendary Disney castle, where the fireworks will take place at 8PM.
We crossed the bridge and enter the castle to head over to the Theatre at the other side. Ah, if only I was born hundereds of years ago...
The highly anticipated show is called the Golden Mickey Awards or something. The entire 30-min skit was staged in such a way such that we the audience are attending an Award Ceremony. They even had mock photographers and emcee.
The whole set-up is very much like a musical, but more than just dance and music. The dancers dressed up as Toy Story characters, there were fire acts, stage stunts etc.
Furthermore they played with the stage props and made use of it fully. It was one of the most fantastic shows I've ever attended, and it's a definite must-watch!
There's even bubbles lor, leaving everybody making sounds of "oooh" and "aaahs". Haha. It's funny when you see the adults do it too.
The 'cheapest' food we can get in Disneyland is the fast food outlet, which isn't exactly THAT cheap either. The food are still Mickey-themed but I didn't like the fried chicken (what I had), I missed KFC then. Hur hur. Because staying indoors mean super shiok air-conditioning, we stayed in there for three full hours.
Then Sis and I headed back to Tomorrowland to complete one more ride, forgotten what's this one called but it's really fun. Perhaps that's why I have this sudden like to Starbuzz Lightyear. 0,0 I swear I almost bought something from the toy shop. Heh.
We get on-board seats like these, have laser guns and are able to control the direction of where where going. As the train goes along, we're supposed to "shoot" baddies by aiming the gun towards a targetted spot and if the laser detects, points will be clocked into the machine. Moreover, I get to press the button and the seat will swivel around, making us feel like detectives/policemen. Exhilarating. Don't ask what's my score.
When I was Primary 4 and see this coin-making machine, I squeal in excitement. When I am now 18 and see this coin-making machine, I run towards it and stick my face onto the machine screen. Heh. I made three of these that day.
That time they were making a advertisement for Wall.E (which till date I haven't catch it!) and I had fun imitating a robot.
At 3PM sharp, the real parade starts and people lined up along the roads (bitches pushing and kids drooling on me). There were many dancers/performers dressed up as characters and entertaining the crowds.
I ever thought of being one of them, dancing to a big group of audience everyday, that would be such an interesting job to hold, and also to perform in musicals. Oh well... I've stopped dancing for so long already...
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! On that day I purposely wore my Dwarf studs to match the whole Disney theme! Haha, that's what I normally do when it comes to my idea of fashion.
I must comment on these girls who acted as the seven princesses! I have no idea why, maybe it's the makeup or just how they looked naturally, they really looked like they walked out of the television screen and storybooks. They resemble the cartoon characters so much, even with the way they smile and wave their hands. *envious*
Toy soldiers walking in sync, whose main job was to entertain the kids. I watched the full parade, only to realise this Korean kid had stained my hand with his blue candy floss. >:(
After I cleaned up, we enter a dark room for "Stich Encounter". This is how it's like. The show for that timing was presented in Mandarin, so most the audience were from China. We were seated facing a huge computer screen, and we're "talking" to it. Initially, we all thought Stich was programmed to speak, but we were all taken aback when "he" (the cartoon on screen) was able to mouth the Mandarin words and even the audienc's name. Why did I believe so? Because the bloody man who was behind the screen had picked on me to "play". He asked which country I'm from, my name, and whether I had boyfriend. Then, he made me shook hands and made friend with a China man, and took a photo of us, enlarging it on the screen!
It was slightly embarrasing, but nonetheless very cool. I am more amazed by the advance technology they used to carry the whole "encounter". The sad thing is, they never give me any token of appreciation leh. :( Unlike the Zoo.
You see, I told you I begin to be obsessed with Buzz Lightyear. Haha. This particular one seem more...lusty. He lifted Sis's cap just to take a closer look at her face, while for me he lifted my chin and tickled it. Yet, I wanted to hug but he didn't. =,= "
Here we enter the Adventureland, the lands belonging to the jungles, everything tribal and safari. It was late afternoon when we arrived.
The sun had began to set, but the weather still humid. We were just strolling and enjoying the scenery.
We needed to take the raft in order to reach the Tarzan Treehouse in the middle of the big river. She has a cute uniform, but her facial expression made me not want to get on it. Moreover, she disallowed Sis and I to go on it coz' we were eating ice popsicles. :(
At the Tarzan Treehouse, Papa started fooling around with us. He looks soooo adorable, playing swing with Sis. Hahaha.
We can create music/sounds at the base, banging of pots and pans, with forks and spoons.
An antique video camera, Sis can control the slide and as she rotate the handle, each slide tells a story about Tarzan the hero.
The awesome view at the top of the Treehouse. There were many rides that we didnt get to play because our main focus was to go sightseeing in Disneyland. Heh.
There, that's the Treehouse! By this time, we were getting lethargic as you can tell.
I needed to be somewhere cooler and that place just looked like an excellent spot, hiding in the middle of these huge spraying "amulets".
I don't know what's Sis was doing, but she was putting her hands up in the air and sway, which I found damn cute. She was like dancing to herself and smiling. :D
Now now, meet Captain Jack Sparrow and Mr. Will Turner in my favourite Pirates of The Caribbean! Arrrggggh!
In Adventureland, there was another stage performance as well. This one includes a moving stage and many big props, loud costumes and power vocals.
The final highlight was the fireworks showcase at night. Actually, it's lousy that's why I didn't video it down or anything. The ones in Singapore are ten times more breathtaking, I guarantee you. It just looks nice because they fire them above a beautiful castle.
But clearly, the young and the old all enjoyed it tremendously.
As we squeezed through our way towards the exit. I spy...
Ahem. Uh, yah. Sis and I exchanged looks, and giggled.
That marks the end of my trip to Hong Kong Disneyland!
Oh yes, I left that place with a souvenir, which QQ chewed and spoilt part of it. =,="
Moving along to Malaysia...
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