1) Universal Studios Merchandise Store
(Xiang Yang Sunny 993, 993 Nanjing West Road, Jing'an District 上海静安区南京西路993号)
It was in a pdf file that I download, an article that covers news on Harry Potter that I found out about this store. A couple of years back I heard Harry Potter was a pretty big thing in Shanghai so I thought I could find a 专卖店 over there. It was extremely disappointing because I walked all the way to the address above from my hotel (it was a pretty long distance!) to only have a Nike outlet store take over Universal Studios Store! Damn. So you read it here first, the USS store is Shanghai is NO longer there!
However, do detour to the nearby Uniqlo shop that just launched in Shanghai! They often have sales (I encountered it) and the quality of the clothings are 'ichiban'! I persuaded dad to buy a hip polo tee
(heh), sis and I got something too. However, Uniqlo is packed most of the times and it's troublesome that the entrance to the area is by the side of the big outlet. :/
2) 七铺路服装市场
(168 七铺路)
This is very similar to other countries' multi-storey flea markets where they sell all kinds of female clothings and accessories - from wholesale dresses to cheap bags. You can bargain at this place but the quality is less than satisfying. For cheap trills, I don't think it's worth it. This is my second time there, and this time I got dragged by a crazy china woman by the neck and arm (literally) into her shop.
Cabbing there is no problem, because all the drivers will know where it is. Always go for the trusted ones with big names like 锦生 or 大众 . Beware of those private ones who will talk to you while you stand by the roadside.
Caution / Advice: If you need to use the toilet, go to the ones out of the building or pee/shit first before you head out! As somebody who normally doesn't discriminate against China sanitation and toilet systems, these particular toilets within the 七铺路服装市场 is really bad.
3) 摆设
I didn't manage to visit this place because it was a bit off from where I stayed and I didn't want to cab all the way there just to visit one shop. Not sure if the surrounding area has any interesting stuff.
Oh, this place is supposed to sell vintage accessories. Read about the shop HERE.
4) Idest. Zhai
(Rm. 101 1365 Fuxing Road; 福兴中路)
A shop that sells vintage clothings, but I didn't get this far as well. Read more HERE.
5) Shanghai Code
(泰康路274弄2号后门,近思南路) - Can take the train - 地铁9号线打浦桥路站
Shanghai Code reminds me of a little well-decorated retro shop located in Far East Plaza. I would say that the shop looks appealing, but they sell mostly retro specs, price ranging from RMB150-2000. Even so, you can find rarer ones in Singapore's old corners. Their operating hours are 12pm-8pm.
泰康路274弄 is an old residing area that has been developed into a tourist attraction. Though they carry a lot of indie brands and have many aspiring young artists selling their works there, the stuff there are priced above market rates. Along the stretch you can find boutique restaurants and memorabilia shops amongst others.
There's another shop named 老上海 that sells many cute trinkets that you can buy for your friends as souvenirs. The address is 泰康路,210弄,5号。
In the end, I got myself a Mao 毛泽东 automatic watch. There were many tourists there on site following their guides, it's hard even to capture a nice photo.
6) Mao Memorabilia
(东台路, 近吉安路)
According to a local guides, shops like these are all over Shanghai. I couldn't be bothered to go after I got my watch, and also because I'm not a fan of the Communist.
7)Eco Shop
Pretty much self-explanatory, but I didn't go there.
8) M50 Art District
This district used to be run-down warehouses that are now used as art exhibition spaces for artists. M50 have a history behind it so read all about them at their SITE , or the short introduction at About.com.
9) Fuxing Park 复兴公园)
(105 复兴中路)
For more neighbourhood-friendly places, visit parks like 复兴公园 and watch old folks mingle, play chess or 练习太极。
10) Chinese Classic Bookstore
(424-440 Fuzhou Road, 福州路)
This road is located just right behind the hotel, so I by passed it daily. I'm not sure if I went into this particular store but there is a 2-floor bookstore near that stretch next to 85deg Cafe and a bubble tea store.
I read about this place from HERE.
Anyway, bookstores in Shanghai is everywhere, I prefer the non-air conditioned lokkok/chui/chakchak (means shabby) because the books are waaaay cheaper! They costs according to their weight! Even my English novels that costs say $25 in Singapore, costs only 18RMB there. Wahaahahah.
11) MOCA (Museum Of Contemporary Art) 上海当代艺术馆
It's the Shanghai version of Singapore Art Musuem, they showcase different artists each month, and costs 20RMB to enter.
I only visited the gift store that is along the main road. Wakakakka. :p More info on the actual museum HERE.
12) 星光摄影器材城
Well and erm, that's about all I have!
Sorry Wenqi, I should have done this earlier! :(
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