
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Take5: My New Source of Energy!

I'm back, and energized! :D

Before I leave Singapore, I mentioned about a new energy drink that I will be bringing along with me to UK.

This energy shots are called Take5 Energy and is also said to have some enhanced health benefits.
So far I've tried both flavours (Mixed Berries & Citrus) and types (Brain Power & Immunity), I haven't had any of those lethargy "crash" that you may get from sugar or other energy drinks.

Because Smith wanted a group of us to try out this new energy shots, so we all gathered at Physical Abuse to test out this product two months ago (sorry for this backdated post!).

We were told that we will be engaging in some physical activity, so we came prepared.  Each of us was given a Take5 T-shirt as well.

The introduction was done before our exercise session, and I was glad there were some refreshments, I was famished! Healthy sandwiches (okay ignore the egg tart)!

Drums Alive was the activity we were going to do!  It's sort of like dancing + drumming, where the instructors tell us what to do and we follow.  The exercise will requires the movement of the whole body (there was squats and turns) and memory work (for the drum sequence).

Meet our instructors (bottom right), and Mint!  Mint was super enthu about it.  :)

Mint was feeling really energized after the drink and said that she could remember the sequence of drum beats in the second half of the session.

Personally (and true story), I didn't remember the steps better. BUT.  After the first half of the session I was panting and feeling tired, yet after the second half session (had half a shot of Take5) I actually wanted more Drums activity. Lol. I no longer felt tired you see.  :D

The only thing that I don't like so much about it is probably the taste.  Because it's non-carbonated and I had them at room temperature, the taste is pretty strong.  Some people like it, some people don't.  For me, I think it'll taste better chilled.  

Group photo! Can you see everybody is super hyper even AFTER the event has ended? Hahaha

The drink does work though, for about 5 hours after you consume a bottle (drink less if you wanna get some sleep!).

I brought this drink out on the day I went to Bath and Stonehenge because I knew it was a long day, and true enough it cam in handy.  The bottle is small (60ml), so I conveniently slipped it in the side pocket of my backpack. Since no refrigeration is needed, I could just drink it anytime. 

The Brain Power helps your cognitive function, for tasks requiring immediate recall, mental alertness and concentration.

As for the Immunity formula, it could reduce your number of sick days as it supports overall vital immune functions, reduces fatigue and tension in your body.

Took Immunity coz' I wasn't getting enough sleep in Cambridge and had a bit of flu.  That helped. :)

Take5 Energy would be most suitable for the professionals who often have to work long hours,  stressed, and need just that little more energy and focus to get the work done.  Those who often fall sick can also consume Take5 as it helps to boost the immunity system (the leaky nose, anyone?)!

These shots are available at convenience stores (I've seen them!), and going for S$3.60 a pop.  You can also get them by the dozen for S$43.20.

Let Take5 be your buddy if you have to burn midnight oil for a  project!

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