She sure has slimmed down and had lost her long tresses. She is still easily recognizable, along with her two younger sisters and mother, but her youngest sister looked like she had undergone a major surgery or something. Because back in those days I always go to her house after school, whether it's to
It is scary how puberty has done to people, judging from changes as seen from Kam Fung (HAHAHAH!), Le Li and Rui Ying's sister. They all looked so grown-up now, despite being Secondary 3, Secondary 2 or Primary 6.
I met UFM's Fight Club Finalists, a few of them including Chun Yan, Shun Jie, Wan Fen, Dao Kai and Yan Zhi. Ken had his first outdoor broadcasting at Lau Pa Sat. The night before, he and Chee Ming had asked to go and join the fun. Since Mom also wanted me to go, I obliged. :)
You see, maybe my attempt to break the ice between them may be seen as uh, over-friendly to the point where I seemed fake or even make me look like some hardcore fan (which I disdained), and I had to eat my own fist when people just approached me and ask," Uh excuse me, who are you ah? You are whose who? " just because I sat with some of the finalists over at the VIP's table. But, for those people who know me, other than going gaga over caucasians, I am normally no fan of anything and definitely not of someone who likes to pretend. Right?
However! I am not going to deny I had a great time with a few of them, like Xin Feng(who is really the only person who talks to me), Wan Fen, Shun Jie and Dao Kai.

Bottom: Finalists Kai Xuan, Chun Yan, Yang En, Shun Jie, Xin Feng, Wan Fen and Dao Kai.
In the first place what made me not to go is precisely feeling left out and looked 'extra' in the group (which I still am!). I was oblivious to the fact, to make myself feel better.
We were each given a free $5 worth of Kopitiam card to fill the VIP seats with food, and I helped buy Ice Kachang and Dim Sum. :D

For the second round, 2 guys signed up. One of which whom looks like an underage kid, but really, is 18 years old already. =.= (You'll see what I mean.)
They were to finish the entire jug of beer, winner depending on who can finish it faster.

To much amazement, the number of listeners who came all the way down to support the DJs are really seated all over Lau Pa Sat, they're really quite popular huh?

This one here, Yang En, put up a bearable rendition of One Night in Beijing, who also got quite a number of praises from the audience, and I can tell by the look of the conceited smile that's he's very happy with his performance.

Ah yes, the food's at Lau Pa Sat is yummy, that's why I ate non-stop till I was bloated and had a tummy-ache. =.= Oh well! At least the meal's free. Muaahahha. :P
But. $18. Is the total cab fare that is required for me to get home. Not so free afterall huh? Darn. 0.0
In other news, yesterday morning, Mom went to Singapore General Hospital to get her mole removed. If you've seen her before, it's the huge black one on the left side of her cheek! If not, check the previous entries for her photo! Heh.

Eileen had to cancel our outing so I was left with nothing to do at home. :(
So I decided to try out the Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 disc that I bought. Wahaha. The graphic's good and more tools to use, but the loading is S......L.......O......W.

Baaaaaaaaaaaiii! :D
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