At 6.30pm we watched Lust, Caution (色・戒), I didn't expect it to be that lengthy though. This is one of the very few art films I've watched, but I do partly appreciate it. Why partly? Because it's really deep and there's 2 parts to it that I don't understand. These kind of movies always keeps me thinking about the meaning of life etcetera, and sometimes it's really disturbing because in the end, the answer's negative. It doesn't help when the ending's bad.

For Lust, Caution, all I could derive from it is that Love sometimes have a greater power over Friendship, Loyalty, Patriotism and one quality doesn't have to come with another. It's so deep you know, but basically this story ain't much of warfare, but mostly is a romance story.
This might disappoint you, but nope, there's no nude scenes, our local gatekeeper had slashed out 7 mins worth of the steamy scenes. The only reason I could think of why it's still NC16 is probably because Tony Leung is into SM in this movie. Haha.
Last weekend when I had lunch with Vic , he was chowing down my piece of toast and he said he made a heart shape out of that.

(Not overlooking his purposely-made-it-fade-into-ugly-bits black nails.)

I think there's something awry about my eyes and memory.
For the past week, my eyes have been hurting and itching very badly lately. The signs were almost persistence, and it's not even improving when I did the eye massages that we've been learning in primary school. :( I didn't even wear contact lens that regularly anymore, so the only reason I could come up with is my facing the laptop for up to 16 hours every day for 3 weeks. I'm rubbing my eyes as I'm typing this, it's THAT uncomfortable.
I shall try these massage techniques later.
In the past few days, only after I came out of the shower, towel-dried myself do I realize I forgot to wash parts of my body.
Then, I'll have to go back in and wash it. =.=
First, it was my face.
The next day, I forgot about my upper body.
Next, it was the conditioning of my hair.
Sigh, I'm worried I might use the shampoo to cleanse my face today.

To end this, I'm giving a shout-out to all those people who love the Arts. Would anyone like to join me for the following performances/exhibitions/festival?

As the SISTIC Sypnosis puts it:
Adrian Noble directs the first stage adaptation of the timeless iconic film by Ian Fleming, featuring favourite songs Truly Scrumptious, Toot Sweets, Hushabye Mountain and the Oscar nominated title song.
With a cast of over 70, including 10 dogs, sensational sets and stunning special effects this action-packed musical adventure is the story of the magical flying car Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
The production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang will be one of the largest musicals ever to visit Singapore, rivalling The Phantom of the Opera. This includes the 1.5 tonne car which flies across the stage using technology not seen on a theatre stage before.
• Venue: Esplanade
• Date I’ve picked to watch on: 7 Nov 2007 Tuesday (Because the student price tickets are still available!)
But I think if you want to watch it on the 8th, 13th,14th or 15th also can.
• Time: 8pm
• Price: $50(student price), Standard price is $130 ok!
Chop chop get back to me alright?!

2) Blooms of Frailty Visual Arts Exhibition

Uh, this exhibition features Zhang Peng’s maiden works about growth after hurt.
It’s rich, it’s lush, it’s unsettling. Accroding to 8 Days, his photography showed representations of growth and youth hurt post-70 art have also manifested themselves as visions of maidenhood, virginity, blood, and fear. Hmmm, very suitable for the disturbed Emos, the Goths and people like Grace (haha).
• Venue: Art Seasons, No 5, Gemmill Lane, Singapore 069261
• Dates: 22 Sept 2007 to 22 Oct 2007
• Time: 11am – 7pm, except Sat, 12pm – 6pm, Closed on Sundays and PH
• Price: FREE!
This one I can take it easy because there’s no rush in buying tickets, but the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang must grab the opportunity of Student Priced Tickets! Limited seats available only!
3) Singapore Fashion Week 2007
I was thinking, maybe Eileen and Kimmo and Shyanne and Kristie would be keen in this. Singapore. Fashion. Week. There’s going to be a lot of hot models, high-end clothing showcase, catwalks, flowers, photographers and kisses. Need I say more?
• Dates: 12 – 21 October
• There are so many events that I think you could refer them on the WEBSITE yourself, then date me, OK? ☺
4) So Singapore Cartoon Exclusive Exhibition
If I’m not mistaken, this five local cartoonists (those whom appeared in Bao Mi Hua two weeks ago) are going to showcase their cartoons to allow the younger generation to learn more about Singapore history through their works. As stated by 8 Days (again!), there will be games and Mr Brown’s podcast. Sound interesting, no?
Venue: Singapore Discovery Centre, 510 Upper Jurong Road
Date: Till 30th Nov 2007
Time: 9am – 6pm, Closed on Mon, except school holidays and PH
Price: $10 for adults; $6 for kids
No, we’ll have to pay $10 to get in, really.
Thanks for those who commented for the previous post! :)
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