
Saturday, February 12, 2011

No Strings Attached

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, United International Pictures presents the love comedy, No Strings Attached. It is one of my favourite romance comedy films in months. Although I highly suspect it’s due to my adoration for Natalie Portman and slight attraction towards Ashton Kutcher. In No Strings Attached, as the name suggests, Adam (Ashton Kutcher!) and Emma (NATLIE PORTMAN!!!!! – Yes, I’m bias like that :P) agreed to be sex friends, or better known as f$%^ buddies these days. However, love got into their way… could their friendship remain platonic? Well yeah, you would say the plot is predictable…

…because Spoiler Alert (as if you don’t know what’s going to happen in the end!):


But that wasn’t the main highlight throughout the movie you see, it was the witty lines, the funny sexual puns.

Let me pick out 5 of my favourite verbal exchanges from the film:

Eli: Who do you think you are, the old guy from "Up"?
> Of course, this scene involve a balloon, go find out why I like this line by catching the film! It’s out!

Drunk Emma:Take me to Adam's house.
Cab Driver: Where's that?
Drunk Emma: Where Adam lives.
> What alcohol does to people.

Patrice: It's like a crime scene in my pants.
> Lol, Patrice on menses.

Emma: Sometimes, my neck gets sore.
Adam: Why?
Emma: Because my brain is so big.
> Smartass doctors.

Adam: I'm warning you, if you take one step closer, I'm never letting you go.
> This was melt-worthy maximus, he even with such determination and passion, I would marry any guy who said that to me!

So glad the boyfriend could join me at a preview, like finally!

The invite was quite creative,the design incorporated the movie's idea:

Here’s the official trailer in HD:

I enjoyed the movie tremendously but I can’t help but notice that some scenes from the film were different from the trailer and cut out altogether.

At 2:11 in the trailer, when Emma says “ You are such an over-achiever”, she said it with much sarcasm, and it was a good punch line. But when she said it in the full movie, it was half-hearted because she was supposedly dead drunk. Blah.

Also at 2:22, Emma hits a peak of denial and started hitting Adam in public. She even climbed onto his back and exclaimed, “Why can’t we just have sex??!!” I was waiting for the moment to happen but it never did!! What a letdown! :c

I also made the boyfriend piggyback me like how Emma did to Adam in No Strings Attached. Heh.

Oh, forgot to mention it’s M18 because of Ashton’s hot ass and the suggestive sex scenes. You can find out more about the movie at the website.

I give the film 4/5, just because reading the "quotes" still make me giggling in front of the screen. It IS memorable. :3 Bring your loved ones to watch this on V-day or something!

Random, but I did have an outfit shot that day...
I dress down on schooling days!

And I’ll part with a picture that is similar to the last scene in the movie:

No Strings Attached is out in theatres on 10 Feb 2011.

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